


发布时间:2020-02-07 15:27:28  信息来源:中国水产流通与加工协会  编辑:EISEN







阿拉斯加鲽鱼(黄金鲽、岩鲽、平头鲽)与块冻Alaskan sole (yellowfin, rock or flathead), frozen in blocks, in cases with net weight of more than 4.5 kg (described in statistical reporting number 0304.83.5015);

阿拉斯加鲽鱼鱼片 Sole fillets, individually frozen, each fillet weighing more than 50 g but less than 150 g (described in statistical reporting number 0304.83.5015;

阿拉斯加鲆鱼与块冻 Alaskan plaice, frozen in blocks, in cases each with net weight of more than 4.5 kg (described in statistical reporting number 0304.83.5020);

冷冻箭齿鲽鱼片 Individually frozen fillets of flounder, including Arrowtooth Flounder (Atheresthes stomias) and Kamchatka Flounder (Atheresthes evermanni), each weighing 80 g or more but not exceeding 200 g (described in statistical reporting number 0304.83.5020);

琵琶虾肉 Slipper lobster meat (Ibicus ciliatus), frozen, raw, whether whole or in pieces, put up for sale in bags each with a net weight of not more than 2.27 kg (described in statistical reporting number 0306.19.0061);

帝王蟹肉与块冻 King crab meat, frozen in blocks each weighing at least 1 kg but not more than 1.2 kg, in airtight containers (described in statistical reporting number 1605.10.2010);

雪蟹肉与块冻 Snow crab meat (C. opilio), frozen in blocks, in airtight containers each with net weight of not more than 1.2 kg (described in statistical reporting number 1605.10.2022);

珍宝蟹肉与块冻 Dungeness crab meat, frozen in blocks, in airtight containers with net weight of not more than 1.2 kg (described in statistical reporting number 1605.10.2030);

其他蟹肉与块冻 Crab meat (other than King crab, Snow crab, Dungeness or swimming crabs), frozen in blocks, in airtight containers with net weight of not more than 1.5 kg (described in statistical reporting number 1605.10.2090)




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