Better Seafood Better Life!

“Forced labor”is a fabricated story


Release time:2023-10-18 14:04:09  Information Sources:中国水产流通与加工协会  Edit:


Recently, certain international media reported alleged forced Uyghur labor in Chinese aquatic product processing plants, citing information from a report by The Outlaw Ocean Project. The report, without any factual basis, speculates that employing Uyghur workers is equivalent to forced labor and encourages companies in the U.S. and E.U. to boycott seafoods from related Chinese processing plants which have been falsely alleged. This is highly irresponsible!The continuous spread of the news has resulted in some buyers ceasing shipments from Chinese processing plants. This not only directly jeopardizes the normal operation of Chinese processing plants, affecting the interests of partners, but also severely disrupts the global seafood supply chain.

The China aquatic products processing industry is closely monitoring the situation and has conducted prompt investigations into the Chinese companies mentioned, finding no evidence of forced labor. It is noted that workers from all ethnic groups work in the same conditions, enjoy equal rights and equal pay for equal work.

We, the China Aquatic Products Processing and Marketing Alliance (CAPPMA), declare that Chinese aquatic product processing enterprises consistently adhere to the Labor Law of the People's Republic of China and strictly follow the audit requirements of international third parties for safeguarding workers' rights and interests. Workers of all ethnic groups enjoy a range of labor rights, including equal employment opportunities, the freedom to choose their profession, fair compensation, and access to vocational skills training. These principles also apply to employees in aquatic product processing enterprises.

The Chinese aquatic products processing industry maintains an open, fair, and transparent stance and welcomes organizations and media truly concerned about the situation of Chinese aquatic products processing industry come to China for on-site visits. Based on facts, we hope to promptly eliminate the impact of false allegations on the international fair-trade order for seafood products.
