Better Seafood Better Life!

American CAlYSTA visiting CAPPMA and Seeking for Cooperation


Release time:2019-01-21 15:38:50  Information Sources:中国水产流通与加工协会  Edit:


The Vice President Dennis Leong and Product Manager Allan Leblanc from CALYSTA, a company headquartered in Menlo Park, California, America, visited CAPPMA’s office on January 19th, 2016. The Vice Secretary-General, Mr. Di Gang met them in hospitality and communicated on its single cell protein from methane that is a superior high protein replacement for fishmeal. Feedkind’s products are a kind of high protein produced through blended methane, recirculated liquid and microorganism in a fermenter, then separated and dried. Several thousand tonnes had been used by EWOS successfully in Atlantic Salmon feed. CALYSTA is seeking for potential partners to launch its Feedkind Series products in Chinese market.

